Sunday, June 15, 2008


My client is a man in his late forties who evidently has a passion for the arts and enjoys cultivating new talent. He seeks his artists in unexpected places and opens his mind to art as a way of evoking completely different psychological experiences for the viewer. For him, modern art cannot be defined and thus he required a space that eschewed defined lines, levels and "rooms". Consequently, a space is evolved from feeling rather than just usage and each space becomes a unique place of ambiguous ceiling heights and wall boundaries. He is a man of quiet intelligence who does not play host extremely well, but prefers to stand back and watch the crowd his gallery attracts. His apartment space on the uppermost level has both privacy, but more importantly, allows him to view all that lies below from a ggenerous balcony. At one with his guests, he does not like to distinguish himself as the owner of the gallery and thus there is no private staircase or door for him, instead he travels through the space as anyone would.

The main conceptual idea behind this gallery is the notion of the building as a place of performance - A stage, for the artworks to play to the audience and the audience to play to each other.

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